Structure Your Freelancing Business

How to Structure Your Freelancing Business to Achieve Financial Confidence

Episode Summary Today we’re talking about ways to structure your freelancing business so that you’re confident in your financial power. This episode is really going to talk about what are some things in your freelancing business that you can actually do and implement right now or moving forward that are really going to help your […]

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Financial Security

Take Back Your Financial Power for Better Financial Security

Episode Summary In this episode of Freelancing Your Way to Financial Freedom, I share practical steps for achieving financial independence as a freelancer. I emphasize mindset shifts, disciplined actions, and strategic planning for long-term financial security. We discuss budgeting, debt reduction, increasing income through freelancing, and wise saving and investing. I also encourage developing a […]

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things that I wish I had done

Things I Wish I Had Done in My First 2 Years of Business

Episode Summary I’m excited to give you this episode because today we’re going to talk about things that I wish I had done differently in my first one to two years of business. I really want to share this with you because if you can learn from these little tidbits of information that I’m going […]

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financial freedom

What Does Financial Freedom Actually Mean?

Episode Summary In this episode I highlight the importance of defining financial freedom on your own terms and offer guidance on leveraging freelancing as a pathway to achieving it. By sharing practical tips, personal anecdotes, and encouragement, I hope to empower you to pursue your vision of financial independence through freelancing. Because let’s face it…the […]

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Finding Fulfillment in Business and Life with Cassandra Rosa

Finding Fulfillment in Business and Life with Cassandra Rosa

Episode Summary In this episode of The Debt-Free CEO Podcast, I chat with Cassandra Rosa, a certified coach, healer, and intuitive business coach. Cassandra shares her journey from feeling unfulfilled in a traditional career to finding her passion in the personal development world. She discusses the financial challenges she faced when starting her business and […]

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quarterly planning your finances.

Quarterly Planning Your Finances

Episode Summary In this episode, I dive into the importance of quarterly planning your finances, both business and personal. The significance of understanding your numbers helps you make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals. From calculating profit percentages to projecting future earnings, I provide valuable insights and actionable steps to empower you in managing […]

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Achieving Financial Stability through Multiple Income Streams with Jamie Rohrbaugh

Episode Summary Welcome back to The Debt-Free CEO Podcast. In this episode, we’re joined by the incredible Jamie Rohrbaugh, a corporate leader, entrepreneur, and multi-passionate woman who truly embodies the principles we celebrate here on the show. Jamie is not just an accounting analyst for a global company; she’s a wellness consultant, co-founder of a […]

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Learn How to Make $2K by Spring Break!

Episode Summary In this episode of The Debt-Free CEO Podcast, I share valuable insights on how to make $2k by spring break. I outline practical steps for finding freelance opportunities and setting your rates, emphasizing the importance of choosing services that align with your skills and passions. My approach offers a way to increase your […]

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From Education to Entrepreneurship: Sadie Snedeker’s Virtual Assistant Story

Episode Summary In this episode of The Debt Free CEO Podcast, I sit down for a chat with Sadie Snedeker, a former teacher turned virtual assistant. Sadie shares her journey into freelancing, her motivations for wanting to pursue this part-time endeavor, and her experience in finding and working with clients. She discusses her approach to […]

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How Freelancing Could Be Your Ticket to a Debt-Free Life

Episode Summary In today’s episode, I dive into the world of freelancing and virtual assisting, revealing how these avenues can pave the way to debt freedom. As someone who has had my fair share of side gigs, I want to uncover the potential for earning an extra $500 to $2,000 a month through freelancing. This […]

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